“Keeping your Best Employees” is a 5-Step Simulation™ focused on ways to boost employee retention and engagement in difficult business situations.
Product Description
This 5-Step Simulation™ is intended for anyone who leads or manages people. Creating a motivating work environment that keeps people engaged and productive is a management responsibility and a long-term challenge. In this simulation, the leader has to establish and explain a retention plan, recognize and respond to employee statements that may indicate retention risks, and address some examples of employee dissatisfaction in detail.
This is a simulation written for table groups of 4-6 learners. The activities in this simulation could also be used by individual learners or pairs. They could also be adapted or expanded to be larger parts of a workshop on employee retention.
Skills/Competencies Applied: Leadership, influence, inspiration, providing direction, retaining employees, motivation, leading teams, leading across generations.
Time: 75-90 minutes