Training & Learning Capability-Building
For training and learning coaching, see the Coaching page and Steve’s list of past “build-out” clients (pdf).
Here is the Storyline course encapsulating the portfolio: LearningSim Capabilities Summary
Simulations & Instructional Design
Some examples of LearningSim simulation work.
- Branching Simulation Example: Introduction to Career Coaching. A multi-scenario branching simulation for a global industrial equipment manufacturer
- Training Tips Example: 12 Secrets of Effective Trainers. A Storyline course with training tips and techniques
- Capstone Simulation Example: A Season for Leadership. A custom business case delivered as a simulation for ILT leadership development, tying together skill practice and a common theme across multiple sessions with a capstone session
Scripts, Tools & Additional Detail
- ILT Simulation Script: Short skill practice simulation for instructor-led training (ILT) with a large (80-participant) group of technology consultants: Skill Practice Simulation – IT Consultants – ILT
- Online Simulation Script: Branching script for a career coaching simulation built into the “Introduction to Career Coaching” course, above: Online Branching Simulation – Career Coaching
- ILT Simulation Example: Short ILT training needs assessment simulation example for Leading Edge Training Techniques course by the American Management Association, 2001: Training Needs Assessment Simulation
- 5-Step Simulation™ Example: An example of the “white label” simulations included in the 5-Step Simulations™ package: Giving Feedback – Mostly Positive with One Correction
- Learning Game Example: Frontline supervisor and manager learning game, included simulation-enhanced design and questions: Move it to Market Game
- Creative Learning Tool: Mad Libs LearningSim Style
- Learning Activity: Rapid Simulation Design Template
- Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Research Symposium Paper: Simulation Enhanced Learning – AHRD 2001