5 Ways to Use Simulations

Simulations make training more effective. They can also deliver better results in less time, or tie together different topics in a program. Here are five examples of where I have used simulations to help clients achieve desired outcomes. See if any apply to your situation.   Put it all together. A group of 80 IT […]

Simulations: Going from Classroom to Online

Not all that long ago, I was working on some projects where the content had previously been taught in a classroom setting, but the client wanted to move the training online. The goal was to make it easier and faster to reach a large audience with consistent results. As I worked with these sims, I found […]

QA on a Training Program?

Quality Assurance for Training: Is it worth the effort? This is a definite, solid maybe. We want to make sure that each program meets the needs of the learners, the standards of our training group, and the technical requirements of the delivery system we are using. This applies to computer-based training or online training (OLT), […]

From Book to Leadership Program

Sometimes, it comes out of left field, completely unexpected. “Steve,” says the CEO, “I just finished reading this great book on leadership! There are some really outstanding ideas and lessons in here, and I want to get everyone onboard and implementing this. Build this into our leadership development programs, and get on my calendar to […]