I believe strongly in professional consulting standards.
In fact, each of the certifications I have taken and the professional associations to which I belong have ethics or practice guidelines that emphasize building real capability in the client organization. I do not want the client to become dependent on my services. Instead, I want them to learn from me and build internal knowledge and skills. Then, they will call on me for new, interesting projects, instead of just fixing problems or doing things we have already done before.
There is a good article from CLO Magazine this week on “Avoiding the Curse of the Consultant” by Jack and Patti Phillips of the ROI Institute. There are a couple of weaker points, but overall I strongly recommend and agree with the authors’ advice.
P.S. – I am always willing to offer a predictive ROI estimate of the value of my services, and I am willing to work on a shared ROI fee basis, as well. Contact me if you’d like to learn how this is done!